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Pure Energy Barcelona

A unic Soul, Mind and Body Coaching

Relax, Heal and Love Yourself

Just relax, I come to your place specialy for healing sessions (Reiki and Balacing Energy care), VIP massages (with personalized organic essential oils) or intense fitness courses (EasyFit method).
Balance what you need with a one to one unforgettable session.

Welcome: Bienvenue

My services:

Relax, Heal & Love yourself

To book a session: click on the link "Book a session" at the left top of this page.

There are 4 ways to benefit from my abilities to stay in tune with yourself.

In any cases, your experience will help you to grow and expand in your life.

Click on the page "reservation" to book a moment with yourself


ENERGY Balancing Healing

Hands-on Energy Healing for a better life/self/universe harmony

90 minutes

Getting Energy balancing Healing releases emotional heavy charges, allows you to have a special time and discover the peace of your inner self, calm your mind and work on physical problems. In any case you suffer from disease or stress, the healing will guide you to more peace and enhancing your in-touch with your intuition and choices of life and health. No effort to give, juste open your heart and mind to something new.
It will also work on healing the past sufferings that block you to move on and open to a fluent and better life. Reiki is a part of this unic healing done with flower fragrance oils.
Meditation Sessions are included when these sessions are regular because it is a part of healing and empowering yourself.

Massage Salts

MASSAGE "Supreme" Essential Oils

Massage Hands-on & Energy VIP 90 minutes

You'll get a massage on skin with essential oils adapted to your needs (relaxation, pain-softening, skin beauty youthness, dynamisation, emotional release; rejunavating care) based on ancian indian Ayurvedic knowledge and energy scanning.
It will help you according to your will: better sleep / increasing the immune system / having a meditative experience / relase of physical pain and mental stress...
You stay at your home and I come to you with my music, my oils and my professional view and service.
Between 60 and 90 minutes of deep self-experience and deep shift from heavyness to light.


FITNESS EasyFit (individual or small groups)

Gain muscles or loose weight with FUN!

EasyFit is a unic method to get what you wish about your physical health, with fun and sweat. You learn so many things about your body and yourself while practicing fitness with me during an intense and musical one to one course of training at your place or outside.
Based on Total Complex Program, BoddyAttack and BoddyPump and Yoga, I train with you according to your need to get cardio, weight or stretch, perfectly adpated to your energetic blueprint enhanced through my specific Ayurvedic method to understand your body. Get Quick and clear results with this VIP method.


(individual or groups)

Get in touch with peace of mind and serenity of the heart

Several meditation practices are available. We get to know which on is the best for your energy-type and needs, and I guide you with kindness and clarity to your own walk towards inner freedom and peace of mind.
Mindfulness, Heartfulness, Visualisation or Healing meditations are ones of the few we can discover or endeep.
Meditation helps you to self-master your long-time stresses, emotions and anxieties to get you centered and more fine with yourself, others, and your daily life.

Welcome: Services

About Frédéric Florens

I've practiced different coachings and guidance since last 20 years as a psychotherapist in the energy medical field and spirituality leader, coach and psychic guidance in France.

As a Bouddhist Student since 16 yo, having the ability to heal with Energy, Reiki Master, Psycho-energeticien & Aura Healer, I've traveled for years and lived in India learning about Ayurvedic Medicine, Massages and Meditation throught a lot of great masters and advaïtic sages.

I lived in Aix-en-Provence, Paris, Norway and now Barcelona for a broad vararity of clients and LGBTQ friends. This feeds my love for traveling and meeting new people.
Now I offer my services in Barcelona for those who really want to have an personalised and unic help in sportives or spiritual fields.

Let's meet once and you'll see your energy shifting for the best!

My french website is full of beautiful testimonies :

Welcome: À propos


BOOK A SESSION on the menu at the top of this website or write to

"I come to YOUR place to create a unic cocoon for you."

Barcelone, Espagne


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